guns and fireworks new years eve

“Zero Tolerance” on Flying Bullets and Gun Crimes, Hernando County New Year’s Eve

HERNANDO COUNTY, Fla. – The Hernando County Sheriff’s Office will be taking a zero-tolerance stance on any and all illegal gun use and gun crime during the holiday.

“For many communities, it is the time of year when some people celebrate the festivities by firing gunshots into the air. Illogical thinking we agree because we all know what goes up must come down. In these cases, it’s bullets moving at deadly speeds,” said the Sheriff’s office.

In years past, many people have been seriously wounded or killed by falling bullets on New Year’s Eve. Those tragic deaths and serious injuries, which resulted from stray bullets, have motivated Sheriff Nienhuis to remind everyone once again that stray bullets can injure or kill innocent bystanders.

“Celebrating the New Year should never be at the expense of someone else’s safety. Impaired driving and celebratory gunfire are both ways to start the New Year off with the sobering reality that your actions took the life of an innocent person. Please leave the firearms secured and never drive impaired,” said Sheriff Al Nienhuis.

If anyone hears gunfire or observes suspicious activity, they are encouraged to call the Hernando County Sheriff’s Office or their local law enforcement agency.

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