The International Summit “Unlocking the Power of Belonging” presented by the World Happiness Foundation ignites hope.

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The International Summit “Unlocking the Power of Belonging” presented by the World Happiness Foundation ignites hope.

World Happiness Foundation Unlocking the Power of Belonging Keynote Speakers Include Thought Leaders From the Gross National Happiness Center (Bhutan

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World Happiness Foundation

Unlocking the Power of Belonging

Unlocking the Power of Belonging

Keynote Speakers Include Thought Leaders From the Gross National Happiness Center (Bhutan), Columbia University (USA) and the Chopra Foundation.

We are realizing a world with freedom, consciousness and happiness for all. Nobody can be left behind. This summit is an example of how we should create the positive change that we all want.”

— Luis Gallardo

MIAMI, FL, UNITED STATES, December 14, 2020 / — 2020 continues to be a challenging year for human health and happiness, with Covid19 not only threatening our physical wellbeing, but also making loneliness, isolation, anxiety and depression a global, “second pandemic.”

The WORLD HAPPINESS FOUNDATION united thought leaders, educators, organizations and activists from more than 60 countries with a global audience of concerned citizens, in an extraordinary effort to conquer loneliness and develop strategies for easing the current international crisis.

The virtual summit, titled UNLOCKING THE POWER OF BELONGING, featured 150 presentations and collaborative workshops presented in English, Spanish, and Portuguese — along with totally free access to learn from soulful and compassionate leaders on how to build happier and healthier communities.

Keynote speakers included Gabriella Wright of Never Alone and the Chopra Foundation; Manas Mandal, Hindu cell biologist and pioneer in the study of brain cell activity and schizophrenia; Latin business leader Chuck Garcia, Dan Tomasulo of Columbia University; Saamdu Chetri, former Executive Director at Gross National Happiness Centre in Bhutan, Katy Tynan, Principal Analyst at Forrester, David Shurna, Co-Founder at No Barriers, and Scottish poet and mystic Richard Rudd.

World Happiness Foundation Founder Luis Gallardo says: “We are realizing a world with freedom, consciousness and happiness for all. Nobody can be left behind. This summit is an example of how we should be bridging spirituality with science, thought leadership with practice and multiple cultures to create the positive change that we all want.”

During the 2-day, high positive-energy! summit, participants went into how to:

● Build extraordinary, deep relationships that will support them throughout their lives
● Reduce constant anxiety/stress and live an emotionally balanced life under Covid
● Cultivate a sense of belonging that will unlock their full potential
● Boost their positive emotions on demand
● Develop a culture of belonging and inclusion within their workplace, family and community

To get access to all the recordings go to

The World Happiness Foundation’s purpose is to realize a world with freedom, consciousness, and happiness, for all, and during this time, belonging is more important than ever. Loneliness, anxiety, and depression have increased exponentially around the globe. Beyond creating a culture of inclusion and a sense of belonging to fulfill our human need, belonging is also the path to effective teamwork, creativity, innovation and the way to unlock individuals and communities' whole potential.


Hannah Cassimere
World Happiness Foundation
+ 13476065317
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