FBI REWARD $100,000 for Kidnapping & Murder of a 5-Year-Old Pennsylvania Girl

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FBI REWARD $100,000 for Kidnapping & Murder of a 5-Year-Old Pennsylvania Girl

Alexis Flores is wanted for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping and murder of a five-year-old girl in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The girl was

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Alexis Flores is wanted for his alleged involvement in the kidnapping and murder of a five-year-old girl in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. The girl was reported missing in late July of 2000 and was later found strangled to death in a nearby apartment in early August of 2000.

The FBI is offering a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Alexis Flores.

alexis flores
alexis flores 2005
Alexis Flores 2005 Photo SOURCE: FBI



The FBI is offering a reward of up to $100,000 for information leading directly to the arrest of Alexis Flores.

Submit a Tip:

If you have any information concerning this person, please contact your local FBI office or the nearest American Embassy or Consulate.

Field Office: Philadelphia

Submit an anonymous Tip online

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    Bernadette. Fratini. 4 years ago

    I can’t pull up any of these story’s. Is this a joke?