Earlier this week, a tweet from Former Florida Attorney General Pam Bondi, sent Twitter into a twirl, stating that Real Clear Politics (RCP) rescinded Arizona from a Biden win.
The since-deleted tweet said, “2020 President Election – Live Results | RealClearPolitics – they just rescinded their call for Biden winning Pennsylvania! — Pam Bondi (@PamBondi) November 10, 2020.”
Real Clear Politics had never called the Arizona race, and still hasn’t as of Thursday morning. However, they have called the Pennsylvania race which and brings Biden to 279 Electoral votes and Trump ringing in at 217, with three states, Arizona, North Carolina, and Georgia, still yet to be called by RCP.
The original story and the Electoral College process stories are below. We encourage folks to read the Electoral College piece, as there is a widespread lack of knowledge on how the EC works and the process of casting of the ballots on December 14, 2020.