Positive initiatives for incarceration and rehabilitation.

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Positive initiatives for incarceration and rehabilitation.

Minimum Security Dorm Four Person Cell Mental Health and Juvenile Units State, City and County governments are now reevaluating the ways to reduce th

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Minimum Security Dorm

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Four Person Cell

Normalized Units

Mental Health and Juvenile Units

State, City and County governments are now reevaluating the ways to reduce the cost of incarceration.

Now that technology has created a wide variety of normalized living units, we must take advantage of this technology as soon as feasible.”

— Michael Rosenberg

BOYNTON BEACH, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, December 20, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Governors and county executives across America are now realizing that the real savings in the business of incarceration is actually the "Business of Reducing Incarceration!" and to be able to do it over a reasonable period of time, safely and intelligently. Reducing recidivism is now the centerpiece in facility planning. Recidivism, (the percentage of former prisoners who are rearrested for a similar offense), used to be just a buzzword thrown out to appease inmate rights organizations. It is now being recognized as the true goal and when done correctly, the savings to the institutions combined with the extrapolated savings to society could exceed hundreds of billions of dollars. While crime will never be eradicated, it can be dramatically reduced . Just as with the Covid crisis, there will always be new strains (new crimes), but with proper treatment and protocols deaths can be reduced. City, state and county administrators  are determined to have their staff recognize and implement the "New Now" for incarceration and rehabilitation, Architects, program planners, lawyers, courts, correctional veterans, elected and appointed officials in all branches of government, probation officers, educators, law enforcement officials and society at large, are finally all on the same page. The New Now is here and when implemented it will reshape the entire justice landscape. The vast talents of our present leaders in the above referenced areas can be refocused to the positive goals of rehabilitation and the brick and mortar structures can be utilized for a more positive normalization.in housing and treatment for the vast majority of inmates who truly need drug and psychological care and treatment. We have the talent and we have the real estate, and now we have the will to do it. Department of Corrections staff, as conscientious and talented as they are, can not do it alone. They need all of society to pitch in and dedicate the resources necessary to accomplish this worthy goal. Everything from parenting education programs to upgrades in psychological counseling. We need the media to focus more on what's good for society rather than what horrible crimes can we focus on 24/7. The steps are similar to what have been used in the past, but they have to be updated dramatically.

Sentencing Guidelines
The courts now realize, that one size does not fit all, Every sentence must truly be reviewed and customized to the situation and the circumstances, and not compared to other verdicts where there may be a myriad of differences and circumstances. Defense attorneys and prosecutors must work together to have justice for the victims and intelligent verdicts and when applicable, sentencing that will help to bring an end to the vicious and costly cycle of recidivism.

Inmate Classification
This category is a centerpiece in reducing recidivism. We have learned an enormous lesson in what proper inmate classification can and can't do. Now that technology has created a wide variety of normalized living units, we must take advantage of this technology as soon as feasible. Similar to sentencing guidelines, one size does not fit all in inmate classification policies and more flexibility must be given to the correctional staff to utilize their vast experience to exercise judgment to think out of the box and customize where and how the inmate will live in the wide variety of facilities that will now be available.

Facility Construction
Justice Architects and Program Planners now have the designs that will accommodate a wide variety  of living units. Manufacturers of factory built heavily insulated galvannealed steel sustainable living units, have created units that can accommodate every classification of housing. From minimum security dorms and normalized 1-2-4 person living units to super maximum cells. Some of the leaders in this field have the ability to build these rooms and also give the facility the ability to change the security level at affordable costs. As an example of this, Steel Cell of North America Inc., which operates the world's  largest modular steel cell factory dedicated solely to building these units, has led the way in normalized living rooms. While the steel walls in these normalized rooms have finishes that can be soothing and calming to the inhabitant, they can be changed to maximum security by changing the doors, locks and fixtures if the inmate population changes.

Some of the nation's leading drug and alcohol rehabilitation programs have made tremendous inroads in how participants are treated and how outcomes are measured and monitored. Examples of some of these organizations are Phoenix House, Ambrosia Treatment Center, Evolutions Treatment Center, Burning Tree and Alcoholics Anonymous, Us Senators Bill Cassidy, MD and Dick Durbin have wisely supported legislation to assist the rehabilitation industry.  More needs to be done in the field of corrections. AT&T  has been offering state of the art software for physical rehab monitoring programs. This is the kind of technology that needs to be applied to drug and alcohol rehab programs. The justice system already has an infrastructure for ankle bracelet monitoring systems, but these are more for the enforcement of court orders or home confinement drug monitoring It is an easy leap for technology leaders such as AT&T to offer software applications that will measure the success & additional needs of the participants. Rehabilitation requires more than what is currently offered. The rise in violent acts by young adults can in many cases be attributed to a void in these individuals to have any social interactions other than video games. The mentally healthy teenager needs the interaction of family, friends, teachers, schoolmates, sports coaches, and players. Parenting is paramount in all cases. The participation of all of the persons mentioned is part of "The New Now" for incarceration and rehabilitation. Tax credits for all couples who successfully pass a current parenting course will go a long way in reaching our goals.
Michael J. Rosenberg
M.R. Secure Sales LLC
Cell 732-491-5120 www.mrsecuresales.com
“M.R. Secure Sales LLC ", represents leaders in the field of Justice Facilities and Programs

Michael J. Rosenberg
M.R. Secure Sales LLC
+1 732-491-5120
email us here
