florida voting statistics

Poll: Nearly Three-Fourths Of Americans Want Voter-ID Laws

Back in 2013 Washington Examiner columnist Ashe Schow made the argument that critics of voter-ID laws spend more time tearing down the laws than taking an alternative route: actually helping “supposedly disenfranchised” people get IDs.

Schow pulled together a list of two dozen things that required a photo ID. It included everything from the obvious – buying a gun, alcohol, a plane ticket – to other, less frequent acts – such as renting an apartment, a car, a hotel room, or acquiring a hunting or fishing license.

At the time, CVS even required people to show an ID to buy nail-polish remover.

“But not to vote?” Schow asked rhetorically, adding, even though “polls consistently show overwhelming majorities of voters approve of the laws.”

For years now, Democrats have shown a unique ability to take fringe positions and sell them as a mainstream, if not the majority, opinion.

They did it again recently with Georgia’s new voter-ID law, spinning a yarn about its alleged racism that prompted the wokesters now running Major League Baseball to pull the All-Star Game from Atlanta.

Yet, to Schow’s point, the American public overwhelmingly wants ID laws to protect voting – the supposed, and unfounded, racism behind them be damned.

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A new poll by the Associated Press and the University of Chicago reveals that 72 percent “strongly” or “somewhat” agree with “requiring all voters to provide photo identification in order to vote.”

But the “strongly” group was the clear majority, garnering 53 percent among all of those surveyed.

Just 13 percent “strongly” or “somewhat” disagree, the poll found. And within that group, just 7 percent “strongly” disagreed.

Meanwhile, a clear majority – 53 percent – said that “people who are eligible not being allowed to vote” was either a “minor” problem or no problem at all.

In that poll, Democrats comprised 45 percent of respondents, while 40 percent were Republicans and 15 percent were in another party or unaffiliated.

The pollsters noted that “popularity (for voter-ID laws) is largely driven by support from Republicans, 91% of whom support a requirement that all voters provide photo identification in order to cast their ballot.”

Still, 72 percent of independents and 56 percent of Democrats supported that idea.

According to the National Conference of State Legislatures, 18 states have laws requiring some form of photo identification in order to vote, while another 17 require voters to show their identity with some form of documentation that does not incorporate a picture of the voter.

But the Democrats’ “For the People Act,” which has passed the House, would abolish all of that. Voters would be able to vote simply by signing a sworn statement attesting to their identity under threat of a perjury charge, if election officials could prove they were not who they say they were. 

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