Polk County Schools Issue  New COVID-19 Guidelines


Polk County Schools Issue New COVID-19 Guidelines

September 2, 2020 by: Staff Report, News Release POLK COUNTY, Fla. - Effective Sept. 1, Polk County Public Schools began utilizing the Centers

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September 2, 2020

by: Staff Report, News Release

POLK COUNTY, Fla. – Effective Sept. 1, Polk County Public Schools began utilizing the Centers for Disease Control & Prevention’s safety practices for critical infrastructure employees.

Under these guidelines, school district employees who are exposed at their work site and are asymptomatic will have a more stringent safety procedure in place.

Employees who live in a household with a person who has tested positive will continue to self-quarantine and not go to work.

“We are making this shift in conjunction with the Florida Department of Health in Polk County to ensure the safety of all our students and staff amid the ongoing pandemic,” said Superintendent Jacqueline Byrd.

The CDC’s safety guidelines for critical infrastructure were created to ensure the continuity of essential functions.

Exposed employees will monitor their temperatures and symptoms, practice social distancing, and have their work areas cleaned more frequently.

The full CDC guidelines for critical infrastructure employees can be found here.

For more information on the district’s reopening safety procedures and protocols, visit polkschoolsfl.com/reopening.


Who will notify me if I have come into close contact with a positive case of COVID-19 at my work site?

The Florida Department of Health.

What does being in “close contact” with a case of COVID-19 mean?

The Centers for Disease Control & Prevention defines close contact as being within six feet for at least 15 minutes.

What do I do if I have been exposed and continue working but then become symptomatic?

Do not report to work. Contact your direct supervisor to inform them of the situation.