Certified Service Disabled Veteran Woman Owned Business PeopleMakeUS receives their National Certification from the National Veterans Business Develo
PeopleMakeUS receives their National Certification from the National Veterans Business Development Council (NVBDC).
TAMPA, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, November 10, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — The National Veterans Development Council (NVBDC) is the certification body for SDVOB/VOBs to ensure that credible documentation exists of a business’ Veteran status, ownership, and control.
The National Veteran Business Development Council certifies that PeopleMakeUS, Inc has met all criteria established to be recognized as a Service Disabled Veteran Owned Business (SDVOB) as of September 23, 2022.
About PeopleMakeUS
PeopleMakeUS is a National provider of Workforce Solutions. We provide Contingent Labor resources to large enterprise clients across industries, skill sets, and geographies.
As a Service Disabled Veteran Woman Owned Small Business, understanding the need to stay committed to working on our program and developing a model that embraces the challenges of the Service Disabled community is natural.
PeopleMakeUS achieved its corporate goal of having the corporate leadership team comprised of 50% Service Disabled Veteran Women. Maintaining a team-based 100% in the United States of America, and having a focus on working with transitioning veterans will continue to be our first priority.
PeopleMakeUS provides targeted, transitioning veterans & civilians, which are highly skilled for a range of strategic, visible, and often mission-critical initiatives.
PeopleMakeUS has a unique line of Services for clients that choose to increase their hiring of Service Disabled Veterans.
Kaylor Ketron
+1 813-834-5321
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