The Carl Kruse Blog invites all to the upcoming SETI chat on the mysterious radio signals recently discovered in the center of the Milky Way. The Car
The Carl Kruse Blog Invites All To Another SETI chat
MIAMI, FL, USA, March 22, 2022 / — It’s another SETI talk!
This time the SETI Institute has invited Tara Murphy, Professor of Astrophysics currently at the School of Physics at the University of Sydney, as well as Natasha Hurley-Walker, who heads the extragalactic radio astronomy group at the Curtin University division of the International Center for Radio Astronomy Research, to discuss some as yet unexplained radio signals detected deep within our own solar system – the Milky Way – the center of which is 25,800 light years away from earth.
These signals, observed only within the past few months, were discovered by two Australian telescopes; the Murchison Wide-field Array telescope and the ASKAP radio telescope, both of which achieved completion (or ‘first light’) in 2012.
Are these detections unique, as they are supposed to be so far? Despite their current statuses as ‘natural’ (created by astronomical objects), could these signals possibly be found to have artificial origins? For example, could they have been emitted by intelligent extra-terrestrial populations far from Earth? Are we on the brink of discovering immense populations and astronomical events that had been previously unnoticed?
Register to be a part of this talk, which will not be streamed on social media, using this link:
SETI Talks are free to all due to contributions from its supporters. If you would like to sponsor a SETI chat, please contact the SETI Institute — development AT seti DOT org.
ABOUT THE SETI INSTITUTE: Based in Mountain View, California, the SETI Institute is the world's premier organization for the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence. Its more than 100 research scientists investigate the nature of the universe and the prevalence of life beyond our world.
ABOUT THE CARL KRUSE BLOG: Since 2015, the blog has highlighted non-for-profit groups and people making the world a better place. The blog has sponsored the SETI Talk: Artificial Intelligence for Good, among others. Its members were active in the SETIatHome project and follow developments in the scientific exploration of space, artificial intelligence and computer science.
Carl Kruse
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