Dr. Ruben Quintero and Dr. Eftichia Kontopoulos, Fetal Therapy specialists, delivered quadruplet babies – Lua, Liv, Mar, and Dia to mom Mayra and father Devon.
MIAMI, FLORIDA, UNITED STATES, June 24, 2023/EINPresswire.com/ — The patient was seen in the first trimester at The Fetal Institute, when the diagnosis of a quadrachorionic quadraamniotic quadruplet pregnancy was made. The patient was counseled about the risk of miscarriage or extreme prematurity and adverse consequences associated with carrying quadruplets, and she chose to continue the pregnancy.
Serial ultrasounds had shown a normal cervical length. However, at approximately 24 weeks, the patient was admitted to the hospital in preterm labor. Ultrasound showed polyhydramnios in fetus A, and increased amniotic fluid in all three other fetuses. She was successfully treated for threatened preterm labor and she was offered medical amnioreduction to reduce the pressure from the excessive amount of amniotic fluid. Medical amnioreduction consists of administering medical treatment to the mother that results in decreased fetal urination and thus a decrease in the amniotic fluid volume. It is a fetal therapy treatment that decreases the amniotic fluid volume in a controlled fashion, without risking the well-being of the fetuses. The treatment requires serial ultrasound examinations and fetal echocardiograms to monitor for possible adverse effects of the medication. Treatment was effective and the polyhydramnios did not recur, with the pregnancy continuing without any further complications.
At 30 2/7 weeks, delivery was decided for growth restriction of two of the fetuses. The patient was not in labor. The cesarean section was uneventful. Mother and babies are doing well.
Mom and Dad are available for an interview, and so are Dr. Ruben Quintero and Dr. Eftichia Kontopoulos.
About The Fetal Institute:
The Fetal Institute specializes in the assessment, counseling, and management of patients with high-risk pregnancies, including those that may need antenatal fetal treatment (Fetal Therapy). Our center serves as a resource to Obstetricians and other Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists faced with complicated pregnancies.
Using state-of-the-art technology and based on extensive experience, our center can provide counseling, consulting, and management for complicated pregnancies, whether the mother, the fetus(es) or both have a particular high-risk condition. Our specialized treatments aim to maximize the likelihood of a healthy outcome for both the mother and the baby.
Dr. Ruben Quintero
The Fetal Institute
+1 786-971-2303
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