Moa Netto, Chief Creative Officer at RAPP US Paul Vallée, founder and CEO of Tehama Moa Netto, Chief Creative Officer at RAPP US. Paul Vallée,
Moa Netto, Chief Creative Officer at RAPP US. Paul Vallée, founder and CEO of Tehama
GREENWICH, CT, US, November 17, 2020 / — Fotis Georgiadis, owner of the blog by his namesake, is a branding and image consultant specialist with a robust background and is a visionary interviewer. With a knack for pulling out a well-rounded interview, not only covering cutting edge technologies and corporate directions but also bringing out the personal side of the interviewee.
There are many challenges facing companies in today's pandemic enveloped world. From #reopening, safety, revenues, competition and more, Fotis Georgiadis discusses Remote Teams and Branding in two recent interviews, excerpts from both are below. In today's market, it is imperative that your brand be known, recognized and trusted. Fotis Georgiadis helps companies build their brand, their image, to beat out the competition. Reach out to him at the below contact options for his services.
Moa Netto, Chief Creative Officer at RAPP US
Can you share 5 strategies that a company can do to upgrade and re-energize their brand and image”? Please tell us a story or an example for each.
Future-proof your legacy: I think DDB recently did a great job leveraging the equity of their founders with a modern graphic approach that combines the two Ds from its initials to form the following B. It’s interesting to see how they brought in some nostalgy by including names of the founders in the logo, and then contrasting that nostalgy with a simple and modern look, that can be explored in multiple visual ways. It’s simple, insightful and authentic to who they are and what they want to be known for. Kudos to our DDB friends.
Reinvent your customer’s experience: Domino’s has been doing incredible work when it comes to repositioning the company and evolving its branding. It all started when they dropped the name pizza from their logo to expand their offerings. Then, they recognized the product wasn’t good and completely recreated their pizza. But for me the key moment is repositioning themselves as not only a pizza making company, but also as a delivery company, using technology to keep users connected with the brand in very unexpected ways — from ordering, to making and receiving it. It is a great benchmark for me of how companies can expand their mission and create experiences that totally pay off to their new brand promise.
Own your mistakes: Skol, the Brazilian leading beer brand, created new packages, a new slogan and invited six female artists to recreate some of its sexist posters from the past. The brand had a bit of a history of stereotyping and objectifying women on their campaigns, and finally understood they needed to change and own the errors from the past, adopting a new positioning that embraces and celebrates women.
Embrace individuality: For me this is old but still gold. I love how MIT labs used generative design to create a system that allows people to create their unique version of the logo. It’s like having your own MIT DNA — each logo is uniquely beautiful and the collective of logos is equally impressive. I am a firm believer that personalization at scale, when done right, can be a game changer for the communications industry and this happens to be one of the best examples of that approach, when you consider the world of branding.
Craft, craft, craft: I love the Warner Bros rebranding. The way they reshaped the format of the logo to make it more symmetric. The way they simplified it to work on multiple applications, small or big. The proprietary font they created inspired by the shape of the logo. It’s all so thoughtful. And if you look at both logos, old and new, you’ll clearly see they are very different. But they kind of make you feel the same way, which is quite an achievement for such distinct representations.
Read the rest of the interview here.
Paul Vallée, founder and CEO of Tehama
Managing a team remotely can be very different than managing a team that is in front of you. Can you articulate for our readers what the five main challenges are regarding managing a remote team? Can you give a story or example for each?
Technical onboarding: Creating a technical environment that allows secure sharing of enterprise data with remote workers is difficult, especially when remote work must happen urgently (like what we saw happen at the outset of the COVID pandemic, or now as we attempt to scale up secure contact tracing capacity).
Corporate culture: When you onboard a remote team, corporate culture becomes a challenge. You must create cohesiveness without the help of catered lunches, stand-up meetings, on-site events, drinks after work, and so on. Office politics can also become toxic in fully remote teams as the pressures and personalities remain, while social cohesion and friendship is harder to achieve.
Seamless connectivity to outside organizations (clients, customers, partners, etc.): Managing external relationships while working remotely can present challenges, especially when dealing with different work environments and systems.
Ensuring security: Organizations who aren’t prepared to facilitate secure work-from-home environments risk damage to corporate, mission-critical and data-sensitive apps and systems, along with potential IP loss and data breaches.
Employee retention: As I mentioned earlier, remote work can be isolating, and the risk for disengagement at that 12–18-month mark is high — even if employees are more productive working from home.
The full interview is available here.
You can reach out to Fotis Georgiadis at the below-listed website, email and social media links to discuss how he can help your brand and image.
About Fotis Georgiadis
Fotis Georgiadis is the founder of DigitalDayLab. Fotis Georgiadis is a serial entrepreneur with offices in both Malibu and New York City. He has expertise in marketing, branding and mergers & acquisitions. Fotis Georgiadis is also an accomplished VC who has successfully concluded five exits. Fotis Georgiadis is also a contributor to Authority Magazine, Thrive Global & several others.
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