Lose your Health Benefits? This Solution Might be For You


Lose your Health Benefits? This Solution Might be For You

TAMPA, Fla. - Unemployment rates are starting to get better but what does that mean for those who were laid off and furloughed, what happens to their

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TAMPA, Fla. – Unemployment rates are starting to get better but what does that mean for those who were laid off and furloughed, what happens to their health benefits? 

Well, we know that for many that are not working, they have no health insurance benefits, or if they do, they are paying the full amount themselves with little to no help from their employer. Many employees that have been permanently let go have had to cancel their policies because they simply can not afford them, this leaves the employee as well as their families’ medical care in limbo. Oftentimes for families, this puts them in a position to decide if healthcare is a necessary expense or do they choose to put food on the table. Well, there might be a solution that will help them do both.

A local Tampa, FL Medical Doctor has a solution that won’t break the bank, while still providing quality one on one care for people of all ages. Its called Direct Primary Care or DPC. 

With prices starting at $44 a month, these medical benefits are affordable for most that are used to paying hundreds, especially in a time that they either do not qualify for major medical plans or simply can’t afford them anymore. “In this model of health care, Doctors work for their patients, not for insurance companies,” says Doctor Ronald Vicencio with VMedcare. Quality care is now affordable with new DPC programs like this starting around the nation. Patients now have options when it comes to getting the medical attention they want on their own terms, instead of going through a large insurance company. Another thing that was interesting that I learned was that in medical care a lot of what you are paying for is the overhead that the doctors incur with billing the insurance companies for the services that they provide. 

Dr. V Photo
Dr. Vicencio

Will you ever need insurance if you elect for one of these direct to doctor programs? Well, Dr. Vicencio advises that you still might want to consider some insurance to protect you in the event of a major emergency. DPC is not insurance but will provide access and care from your primary care doctor. Unfortunately, If you require hospitalization or other extensive healthcare like diagnostics or specialist consultations, then insurance (like a less expensive high deductible plan) can fill these gaps in coverage.

After years of working for a large corporate practice in the Tampa Bay Area, Dr. Vicencio branched out to start his own practice, VMedcare , which is in North Tampa. His years of navigating the insurance hurdles proved to him that he could provide the same great service to his patients at a fraction of the cost. On Dr. Vicencio’s website he has a lot of information on his program and the coverages that his patients receive. 

In addition to primary medical care, Dr. Vicencio also provides medical marijuana card evaluations at his office, V-Cannacarecom. For more information on Dr. Vicencio and his services visit V-Medcare.com.