“The Ten Dollar Car” James McRae Sr. “The Ten Dollar Car” from Book Vine Press author James H. McRae, Sr. is a fundamental guide to rea
“The Ten Dollar Car” from Book Vine Press author James H. McRae, Sr. is a fundamental guide to readers of all ages who venture their Christian life with God.
ORANGE PARK, FL, USA, April 20, 2022 /EINPresswire.com/ — “The Ten Dollar Car”: a contemporary Christian handbook that unravels the miracle of a loving Father whose love for His children is beyond measurable. This is a real-life story on how the author has fulfilled the promises of God while he juggles two responsibilities— College all day and work at night, 10:00 p.m. – 6:00 a.m. daily. This aims to inspire readers of all ages to always have faith in God no matter how endless their life’s journey is. This is a narrative of the author’s adventure and miracle while driving a ten-dollar car.
“The Ten Dollar Car” is the creation of published author James H. McRae, Sr., an author whose interests include information technology, Biblical studies, and people. He holds a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and a Master’s Degree in Divinity, both of which have served him well as a volunteer pastor. He is also an IT Professional and a Chaplain for the Florida Department of Corrections.
McRae writes, “This book is about how a young man met his future wife, as written to his children, and the many miracles performed in his life by his Father as He guided his steps as he walked believing that, “…without faith, it is impossible to please Him; for he that cometh to God must believe that He is and that He is a rewarder of them that diligently seek Him…” (Hebrews 11:6). The writer is now a missionary pastor. Little did he know that the Lord would bring into his life a mentor, Dec. Ernest E. Crawford, and his family, who were a living example of Jesus Christ, so much that the family’s lives exhibited the life of Christ. The writer earned a Bachelor’s Degree in Mathematics and a Master’s Degree in Divinity and has used these degrees as a volunteer pastor, IT Professional, and Chaplain for the Department of Corrections, State of Florida. Join the author in the many adventures and miracles involved in driving a car that cost $10.00 as he worked his way through college at night in order to fulfill the promises of God.”
Published by Book Vine Press, McRae’s new book delivers an astonishing reminder to everyone that faith should always come first before anything, for it is indeed impossible things are possible to happen when one trusts the Almighty. As this book unravels an extraordinary story of faith, the author hopes that readers would realize that surprising rewards from Heaven come to those who believe in Him.
Additionally, this book is a must-read. This book is indeed a great help to all Christian readers in building a strong foundation of their faith in the Father.
James H. McRae Sr.
Book Vine Press
+1 847-348-9277
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