Is ETH the disruptor or will it be disrupted? Antonio Velardo hosted a video podcast about the future of Ethereum.

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Is ETH the disruptor or will it be disrupted? Antonio Velardo hosted a video podcast about the future of Ethereum.

Is ETH the disruptor or will it be disrupted? Antonio Velardo hosted a video podcast about the future of Ethereum. Antonio Velardo Is ETH the disrupt

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Is ETH the disruptor or will it be disrupted? Antonio Velardo hosted a video podcast about the future of Ethereum.

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Antonio Velardo

Is ETH the disruptor or will it be disrupted? Antonio Velardo hosted a video podcast about the future of Ethereum.

MIAMI, FLORIDA, USA, January 7, 2022 / — A few months ago Antonio Velardo hosted a video podcast where Velardo, Medhi Farooq, and Xenofon Kontouris' team got together to speak about the Etherum ecosystem, the Bitcoin network, and the probable future interoperability of the different blockchain projects in the space.

After the introduction of the speakers, Velardo started the discussion with a simple yet powerful question about the differences between the network capabilities of Bitcoin and Etherum and if the latter would be able to eventually gain market share to the first. They agreed on the fact that Bitcoin's network was, more than just the first mover, the ecosystem that made it all possible. They comment that the leading blockchain would be around for a long time and that Bitcoin's community will find different ways to thrive in the future.

They spoke about the added value of Etherum and its market share could be set to grow against the Bitcoin network depending on the deployment of the Etherum 2.0 upgrade and the willingness of the Ethereum community of enhancing the ecosystem. They also stated that the security and decentralization of Bitcoin core blockchain is likely a great competitive advantage while also stating that Etherum has its own moat as well regarding the complexity of its environment and the tools it counts on with for developers and other collaborators. By the time of the panel, the burning mechanism of Ethereum wasn’t yet in place so they predict some of the things that have actually happened.

They also spoke about the importance of the tokenomics of the different projects and made comments on some of the altcoins' ecosystems and functionalities and strategies.

If you are in the blockchain sector you cannot miss this panel discussion so check out the video podcast that we have shared at the end of this article.

About Antonio Velardo

Antonio Velardo is an experienced Italian Venture Capitalist and options trader. He is an early Bitcoin and Ethereum adopter and evangelist who has grown his passion and knowledge after pursuing the Blockchain Strategy Programme at Oxford University and a Master's degree in Digital Currency at Nicosia University.

Antonio manages an 8-figure portfolio of his investment company with a team of analysts; he is a sort of FinTweet mentor, people interact with him online, and he has more than 40,000 followers after his tweets. He has built a fortune in the great tech years and put together a tail strategy during the pandemic that allowed him to take advantage of the market drop. "I did not time the market, and I did not think this was even a black sworn," he says.

On the side of the financial markets, Velardo has a unique combination. He was a real estate entrepreneur that developed several projects in Tunisia, Miami, Italy, the UK, and many other countries and cities. But he has always been passionate about options trading. Still, contrary to the volatility player and quant trading, he always had a value investing touch in his blood. Antonio studied Value Investing at Buffet's famous business school at Columbia University. Even though the central concepts of value investing are antagonists to the venture capital pillars, Antonio's approach tries to bridge elements of both worlds in order to seek alpha. Velardo has learned the importance of spotting pure growth stories and taking advantage of their S-Curve position. This is an essential element of Velardo's approach as he looks forward to embracing great tech stories at the right time of the adoption cycle. This applies to stocks but also to blockchain projects.

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