Ever-increasingly, Democrats are coming out loud and proud about their socialism, even if they want you to believe that’s not what they are really pr
Ever-increasingly, Democrats are coming out loud and proud about their socialism, even if they want you to believe that’s not what they are really promoting.
But they are not fooling Republicans in the Florida House of Representatives.
On Tuesday, GOP lawmakers pushed through a resolution, sponsored by Rep. Tom Fabricio, that “denounces democratic socialism in favor of individual liberty, private property, and constitutional democracy.”
The resolution passed 79-36 in a party-line vote. The Associated Press noted that the nation’s foremost self-proclaimed socialist, Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont, came up during the debate, held out by Republicans as an ill tiding for the nation.
The language of the resolution notes that “since its inception, the United States has adhered to the rule of law, embracing constitutional democracy and individual liberty.” Additionally, “Constitutional democracy trusts the people to choose their leaders but protects individual liberty and property from the tyranny of both the majority and the government, and … individual liberty includes the freedom of a citizen to engage in, and benefit from, the labor of his or her own hands.”
On the other hand, it said, “In contrast to the foundational American values of individual liberty, private property, and constitutional democracy, democratic socialism is a political and economic theory of social organization which advocates the ownership or regulation of production, distribution, and exchange by the community as a whole.”
Moreover, “In many nations that have relied upon democratic socialism to improve the lives of their citizens, the result has been economic and social chaos, an extraordinarily low standard of living for the vast majority, and the absence of individual liberty for all.”
According to the AP, Democratic Rep. Carlos Guillermo Smith asked Fabricio, “Are you at all concerned that we are setting a terrible precedent here by cherry-picking political parties for condemnation and candidates — as you mentioned, sitting U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders, who by the way, almost was the nominee for the Democratic Party in previous elections?” The answer was no.
Smith, apparently lacking all self-awareness, then noted, “We have a very real problem here that needs to be addressed, and it’s not Democratic Socialism. It is important for us to call out the fascist, right-wing, neo-Nazi white supremacist movement that is happening in this state and across the nation.”
Which, speaking of cherry-picking parties, is exactly how many Democrats view Republicans, especially those who supported former President Donald Trump.
But Republicans also have an argument ready if Democrats want to bypass the Sanders standard and go full-blown Marxist.
The first paragraph of a House staff analysis observes, “The Mayflower Puritans established the Plymouth Colony with all property communally owned and cultivated. This ‘communism’ contributed to widespread starvation and destitution, leading some to become servants of local natives in exchange for food. Strong and able laborers considered the communal ownership unfair and unjust in that they received the same reward as others who contributed one-fourth as much.”
“Nearing extinction,” it adds, “the leadership decided to al-lot a parcel of land to each settler, to encourage self-sufficiency and higher production. Ensuring agricultural abundance enabled a permanent settlement that prospered greatly contributing to the ultimate success of the American experiment.”
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Someone needs to stand strong for Americans and it doesn’t look as though it will be democrats. This right wing, white supremacist, neo nazi talk is a bunch of nonsense & no sensible American would buy into it. We want our Declaration of Indepence & Constitution.