Dr. Cass Ingram’s Book Examines How Natural Medicines  Can Reverse Heart Disease

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Dr. Cass Ingram’s Book Examines How Natural Medicines Can Reverse Heart Disease

Dr. Cass Ingram - The Wilderness Doctor Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure High Blood Pressure Dr. Cass Ingram explains the true causes of damaged

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Dr. Cass Ingram – The Wilderness Doctor

heart disease, hardened arteries, blocked arteries, high blood presses

Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure

Heart Disease, High Blood Pressure, blood pressure medication

High Blood Pressure

Dr. Cass Ingram explains the true causes of damaged hearts and arteries and reviews natural healing protocols in his book Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure.

Rebuilding circulatory health is achieved by first determining why the arteries are diseased and then reversing those causes.”

— Dr. Cass Ingram The Wilderness Doctor

LAKE FOREST, FL, UNITED STATES, November 9, 2021 /EINPresswire.com/ — Dr. Cass Ingram, author and medicinal plant researcher, reveals the causes of high blood pressure and heart disease and outlines natural protocols to reverse them in his book "Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure" – a thorough primer on the causes and natural cures for cardiovascular disease, America's number one killer.

Dr. Ingram says he felt a need to write the book because conventional medicine doesn't address the real cause of life-threatening degenerative cardiovascular conditions. Instead, traditional medicine's approach is to prescribe medication to forcibly reduce blood pressure. For most other heart issues, surgery is ordered.

"Natural, non-invasive treatments for heart disease and high blood pressure are similar because the causes and cures are similar, and they apply to the entire gamut of circulatory disorders, including hypertension, mitral valve prolapse, heart failure, hardening of the arteries, and coronary artery disease," says Dr. Ingram.

Dr. Ingram says that as long as the body's 60,000-mile-long system of tubes is healthy, blood pressure remains normal. However, if the arteries become diseased, if they become blocked or narrowed, or if they become inflamed, irritated, and scarred, the pressure will rise. Unfortunately, despite the strain, the heart must keep working and must continue to pump blood through the constricted arteries, which further weakens them and ultimately results in a heart attack.

"It's critical to strengthen both the heart and the arteries, and the book's focus is on how to do this," says Dr. Ingram. "Rebuilding circulatory health is achieved by first determining why the arteries are diseased and then reversing those causes. This is the only way to eliminate the condition fully and thus ensure a long and vital life.”

Dr. Ingram reports that very often the underlying cause for elevated blood pressure is found to be an acute or chronic infection, which can be bacterial, fungal, viral, or parasitic. Another major cause is nutritional deficiency. Yet, even with the latter, there is usually an associated hidden infection.

Additional issues examined in the book that affects circulatory health include:
• hormonal imbalances
• vaccinations
• refined sugar
• vitamin deficiency
• mineral deficiency
• chemicals
• toxicity

"Natural medicines and proper diet can resolve high blood pressure and heart disease and change one's life forever," says Dr. Ingram.

His book, "Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure", presents facts that are easy to understand. He spells out the way to cleanse the body of the disease-causing toxins and infections. Dozens of case histories throughout the book testify as to the effectiveness of the natural cures he recommends. Also included are two weeks of "eating right" protocols plus tasty recipes to keep the heart, arteries, veins, and capillaries healthy and robust.

For more information and to order the book and some of the natural medicine remedies, visit www.cassingram.com or call 800-295-3737.

About Dr. Cass Ingram

Dr. Cass Ingram, founder of PurelyWild™, is a nutritional and osteopathic physician who received a B.S. in Biology and Chemistry from the University of Iowa (1979) and a D.O. from the University of Osteopathic Medicine and Health Sciences in Des Moines, IA (1984). Known as the Wilderness Doctor, he is one of North America's leading experts on the health benefits and disease-fighting properties of wild medicinal herb, tree, and spice extracts. The author of more than 25 books on natural healing, including "Natural Cures for High Blood Pressure", has given answers and hope to millions through his lectures and interviews on radio and TV programs across America.

Chrystal Gorges
The PR Group
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