Super bowl Parade

‘Do As I Say’ Hillsborough County School Superintendent Caught Maskless At Parade

HILLSBOROUGH COUNTY, Fla. – Hillsborough County School Superintendent Addison Davis was caught at the Super Bowl celebration with, you guessed it, no mask.

Davis was spotted with and without a mask during the Super Bowl parade celebration and called out on social media.

A teacher with the Hillsborough County School District, who asked to remain anonymous, said, “It is sad that Addison Davis sees fit to lecture and warn teachers and students about masks at Super Bowl gatherings, and then turns around and ignores his own rules and advice.”

“Students will be asking, ‘if the Superintendent doesn’t wear mask and goes to large gatherings, why cant we?’. The hypocrisy and failure of leadership is indicative of the mess that is our school system,” she continued.

In a statement, Davis said, “Along with several other local leaders, I attended the championship presentation at the port to celebrate our partners, the Buccaneers, and their historic win. I wore my mask throughout the event, only taking it off briefly for a few photos and then putting it back on for the remainder of the time I was in attendance. As I said in my email to employees and families last week, we should always follow CDC guidelines to stay healthy and safe, and that includes me. In hindsight, I should have kept my mask on for the entire celebration,”

Earlier this week, during a press conference, Tampa Mayor Jane Castor said, “I’m proud to say that the majority of individuals that I saw out and about enjoying the festivities associated with the Super Bowl were complying,”

Castor added. “We had tens of thousands of people all over the city, downtown, out by the stadium, and very, very few incidents. So, I’m proud of our community but those few bad actors will be identified, and the Tampa Police Department will handle it.”

As Clay Travis, host of the “Outkick the Coverage” podcast, put it, “The Mayor of Tampa wants to investigate & prosecute fans who were celebrating the Bucs Super Bowl win without wearing masks. Based on photos of the mayor also maskless at Tampa sporting events she should start by prosecuting herself.”

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One Reply to “‘Do As I Say’ Hillsborough County School Superintendent Caught Maskless At Parade”

  1. What an a**hole! Who do these people think they are? This little bald-headed wannabe somebody has the nerve to lecture our families (in a robo call to parents on Fri before the Superbowl) telling us to mask-up and NOT attend large gathering, and then what does the little pencil-necked prick do? He and Jane Castor both belong behind bars for their hypocrisy.

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