Canceled: Facebook and Instagram Cancels Catholic “Adult Products”

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Canceled: Facebook and Instagram Cancels Catholic “Adult Products”

Facebook and its subsidiary, Instagram, recently deleted posts advertising a bestselling book by a Catholic professor who rips into “toxic femininity

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Facebook and its subsidiary, Instagram, recently deleted posts advertising a bestselling book by a Catholic professor who rips into “toxic femininity” and “radical feminism.”

According to the College Fix, Facebook, in response to posts by a Catholic bookstore promoting the book, said the promotion violated its “commerce policies.”

Facebook reportedly told the bookstore that “Listings may not promote the buying, selling, or use of adult products.” Say what?

Facebook may hate the book, “The Anti-Mary Exposed: Rescuing the Culture from Toxic Femininity,” by Carrie Gress, a Catholic prof at Pontifex University and mother of five.

But it popular and well-received. Released last year, it ranked 4th on Amazon on Feb. 13 and has an average of 4.7 out of 5 stars after 437 reviews.

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