KIds in Cages

Biden’s Got ‘Kids in Cages’ Again and More Coming, Border Patrol Union Chief Says

It is quite surprising how many of former President Donald Trump’s flaws and failures are considered merits and successes when pulled by President Joe Biden.

Take “kids in cages.”

In 2018 liberals on social media ignited a firestorm by circulating photos of illegal immigrant children being detained in chain-link cells. Only later did the public discover that the pictures were taken in 2014 when President Barack Obama ran the nation’s immigration policy.

Last year Biden took a swipe at Trump for how his policy affected children. To which Trump replied, “Who built the cages, Joe?”

Well, Obama and Biden not only built the cages, but the current Oval Office occupant is doing nothing to get children out of them.

Breitbart News reported on Tuesday that, according to the president of the union representing Border Patrol agents, Biden has more than 800 children in those same “cages,” and that many are there in violation of federal law.

“Despite the legal requirement to release the children to other federal agencies within 72 hours, more than 212 remained in custody longer than the legal limit,” Breitbart noted.

COVID-19 is the justification for that.

White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki told reporters that the facility holding the children, which had closed under Trump, had only been opened temporarily to accommodate coronavirus social-distancing guidelines.

National Border Patrol Council President Brandon Judd told Breitbart, “Today, Jen Psaki said the administration could not hold the children in other locations due to the COVID protocols including social distancing, but what she didn’t tell the media was that the children in [the Border Patrol’s] custody were being held in conditions that have nearly no way to social distance.”

In other words, so as to not violate social distancing protocols at some facilities, the Biden administration was holding children in violation of those rules at others. 

Judd continued, “The hypocrisy from the left and the mainstream media truly shows they care nothing for the children they used as pawns to attack President Trump.” 

“In fact, they are being held in the same locations they accused the Trump administration of inhuman acts when they said he was holding ‘kids in cages.’”

Meanwhile, the radically left U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is attacking Bident. Breitbart pointed out that once the detention facilities were reopened, she commented, “This is not okay, never has been okay, never will be okay — no matter the administration or party.”

The problem will only get worse for Biden, as he continues to liberalize Trump’s tough policies.

Breitbart noted that in January, Border Patrol agents apprehended 5,871 unaccompanied minors.

That was up from 4,995 in December 2020 and 3,076 in January 2020.

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3 Replies to “Biden’s Got ‘Kids in Cages’ Again and More Coming, Border Patrol Union Chief Says”

  1. the new’s need to quit spreading the lies to still cover up Ya’ll crazy ex President for his wrong doing cause he was the one who put these children in cages not President Biden. so people stop the lies on Biden. the man just got in the chair now ya’ll is doing him the same way that ya’ll did former President Obama. get it straight and stop these lies. that why this country is in a big mess right today because of lies and fake news. stop it cause our God is not please with this country at all.

    1. CNN, MSNBC, and the New York Times have been lying about Trump since he announced his candidacy. They falsely claimed that Trump colluded with the Russians and doubled down on it after the Mueller got nothing but coerced confessions and a fake dossier, they used pictures from the Obama Administration to vilify ICE (despite Trump ending the policy of child separation), edited a Trump quote so that they could push the “Nice People” narrative, and blamed him for the Storming Of The Capitol (which was pre-planned). That’s lies and Fake News. Also, it’s funny that you mention God, considering that you’re hating on a news site with the stones to criticize the party that gives taxpayers’ money to Planned Parenthood and lets Casinos and Strip Clubs operate at full capacity but penalizes Houses Of Worship for holding services.

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