Your tax dollars at work. A new series of short clips on exactly how your tax dollars are being spent and where they are being appropriated around th
Your tax dollars at work. A new series of short clips on exactly how your tax dollars are being spent and where they are being appropriated around the globe.
Sifting through the 5,593 pages of the massive foreign pork bill, we came across some education provisions that, we believe, Americans show be aware of.
$125,000,000, of your tax dollars, will be made available for assistance for Egypt, of which $40,000,000 will be made available for higher education programs, including not less than $15,000,000 for scholarships for Egyptian students.
Section 1436 of the proposed bill, Economic Support Fund, states; “Of the funds appropriated by this Act under the heading ‘‘Economic Support Fund’’, not less than $125,000,000 shall be made available for assistance for Egypt, of which $40,000,000 should be made available for higher education programs, including not less than $15,000,000 for scholarships for Egyptian students with high financial need to attend not-for-profit institutions of higher education in Egypt that are currently accredited by a regional accrediting agency recognized by the United States Department of Education, or meets standards equivalent to those required for United States institutional accreditation by a regional accrediting agency recognized by such Department: Provided, That such funds shall be made available for democracy programs, and for development programs in the Sinai: Provided further, That such funds may not be made available for cash transfer assistance or budget support unless the Secretary of State certifies and reports to the appropriate congressional committees that the Government of Egypt is taking consistent and effective steps to stabilize the economy and implement market-based economic reforms.”
The complete 5,593 pages can be downloaded here. We will be going through this page by page to highlight the spending of your money.