Alt-Right Not Right

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Alt-Right Not Right

Op-Ed By Phillip Davis Alt-Right has a ring to it as if it is something of the conservative flavor, grouping itself in with other Conservatives th

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Op-Ed By Phillip Davis

Alt-Right has a ring to it as if it is something of the conservative flavor, grouping itself in with other Conservatives that side with the U.S. Constitution, it’s just not so. As one reads the last half of “Alt-”, the word “Right” is a canard, in this case, a boldface falsehood.

Let’s get into some background before we drill down into the Alt-Right.

In our present day, it is well known and accepted what “Left” and “Right” normally mean when referring to politicians and Americans in general, which side with either Liberal views (Un-Constitutional) or Conservative views (U.S. Constitution).

However, Liberals and Conservatives can have leanings in both camps from “Hard Left” as completely off the U.S. Constitutional “rez” as in reservation or “Hard Right” as in Libertarian, where even some Libertarians have Left-leaning views such as no national borders.

And some Libertarians become so unhinged as to want no government at all causing national chaos, along with roving gangs and no civilized laws, which would destroy a civil society that has kept us peaceful as can be achieved.

The Alt-Right consists of the “White Nationalist and Supremacist brand”. The Alt-Right should take some time and read the “Bill of Rights” that is part of our U.S. Constitution; it is for all American citizens and their rights no matter who they are or what color they are.

The Alt-Right has no doubt spooled up to a larger degree from 8 years of President Barrack Obama, along with his politically appointed leftist hacks and Black activists by using inflammatory words and rhetoric, by stepping up race-baiting against Whites. Apparently many Whites feel by words alone they have been somehow victimized, even though they actually have not been physically hurt unless you count feelings and so the Alt-Right movement blossomed to national prominence; they fell for it.

Today the Alt-Right consists of White Nationalists, Neo-Confederates, Neo-Nazis, Holocaust deniers, and Neo-Fascists, joining with the older foreign subversives America faced such as the National Socialist German Workers Party (Nazi), Imperial Japanese along with Italian Fascists of decades past, that Americans fought during WWII.

Toss in the Korean war and Vietnam of the 50’s and primarily the 60’s against Communist aggression and we come full circle. The Communists and Socialists have been embedded in America since the turn of 1900.

All of these anti-American ideological groups are subversive to our U.S. Constitution and want nothing more than to have America re-built in a tyrannical state despite our founding as the United States. Some on the Alt-Right wrongly call themselves a Conservative meaning they side with our U.S. Constitution, but what they forget is that our Constitution contains 10 Amendments known as the “Bill of Rights” and the Preamble alone to our U.S. Constitution says it all about our compact to each other as U.S. Citizens to this day. May these immortal words sink in –

We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity, do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

Yes, We the People of the United States, and we should all remember those words ringing loudly while proclaiming one’s individual natural right of “life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness” for all Americans as written in our Declaration of Independence, the cornerstone for our very own U.S. Constitution.

We should note that all 13 Colonies agreed to the demands of the Southern states to keep their slaves in order to finish the Constitution and form the United States, because we needed as many states as possible in a young and fledgling new nation as one United States.

And we should also remember the British did attack us again 25 years later in 1812 and burnt the White House, so we needed all our states from the beginning to defend against foreign aggression. One can accurately say the Framers and Founders had slaves, but when they wrote and agreed to the U.S. Constitution as the final document they set in motion to free all people in our land and we did so by an eventual Civil War 74 years later.

We can pursue our individual natural rights within the basic civil law framework we set amongst ourselves. A civil framework to maintain a stable society and to warn those through set laws not to cross the barriers encroaching on other citizens natural rights by doing them harm.

We can believe what we want, say what we want, generally live how we want; we just can’t illegally take away from any other American citizen’s basic natural right of life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, be it by race or by some other type of intrusive or ideological method.

It is quite clear that the Alt-Right is not Right, at least when one reads and studies our U.S. Constitution. Alt-Right is purely another movement on the “Left” that has wandered off the U.S. Constitutional reservation like so many other subversive organizations in America today.

Instead of tearing down our Republic, we should be resurrecting our nation to her formal glory, by reversing federal government overreach and size to where it initially was as intended from our humble beginnings. Our nation is not about having an all-powerful central government over a people. The federal government is limited in scope by our U.S. Constitution and it has long since exceeded those boundaries set for it from over 100 years of growth.

In closing we should take note of the Gadsden Flag and what it symbolized ages ago, “United Now Alive and Free Firm on this Basis Liberty Shall Stand and Thus Supported Ever Bless Our Land Till Time Becomes Eternity” The flag was about a people who had enough of a tyrannical government from across the ocean, which eventually lead to a fight for Independence where a new nation was born so very long ago.