Biden Tax Plan

Almost Daily Biden Test The ‘Fact-Checkers,’ As His Tax-Hike Plan Reveals Another Fib

President Joe Biden is creating quite the conundrum for the national media’s “fact-checkers.”

Because they wanted him to win, the media let Biden get away with campaigning as the more honest candidate last year, even though he was the guy who abandoned his first presidential bid after caught plagiarizing a British politician’s life. They’ve unceasingly covered for his gaffes since he’s been in office.

But the media watchdogs – such as The Washington Post, which once claimed former President Donald Trump told more than 20,000 lies – are finding that the current White House whoppers are too big to ignore.

For example, the Post gave Biden four “Pinocchios” on Tuesday after he claimed Georgia’s new voting law would stop balloting at “five o’clock.” “Not a single expert we consulted who has studied the law understood why Biden made this claim,” the Post noted.

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On Friday, the Post added two more lies atop the Georgia falsehood, noting that Biden has made a “fallacious comparison” about COVID-19 killing more Americans than died in both world wars and Vietnam, and that he “repeatedly makes a misleading claim” that 83 percent of the benefits of Trump’s 2017 tax cuts flow to the 1-percenters, even though that would not happen until 2027, if the cuts remain in effect that long.

The Post shouldn’t have to wait long to hang another four Pinocchio’s on the president.

On Friday, according to The New York Post, Biden confirmed what his staff had suggested a couple of weeks ago: That his class-warfare tax proposal will hit people making less than $400,000 a year with a tax hike.

Biden, almost since he took office, has claimed just the opposite: that his tax plan would spare those making less than $400,000 from higher taxes.

As even The Washington Post has recently noted, Biden has used singular pronouns such “anybody” and “no one” in referring to those who make less than his stated threshold.  

But on Friday Biden switched that to “family.” This means two breadwinners who each make $200,000 or more would trigger a higher tax bill, if filed jointly.

As the New York Post put it, “The president’s description of the tax hike as applying to any ‘family’ that makes more than $400,000 per year is a significant change from his earlier remarks, and could mean families on the cusp of affluence in areas with high costs of living are impacted.”

The Washington Post last week almost called Biden out on this shift after it was relayed by White House spokeswoman Jen Psaki. It said his $400,000 figure was “fuzzy” in its definition and a moving target.

The WaPo said on March 23 that Biden’s “promise appears to remain intact,” but “We will be watching carefully as the legislative sausage-making begins.”

They don’t have to wait. He made it clear on Friday. Let the Pinocchios fall where they may.

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