
Trump’s Former Doc Calls For Biden To Get Brain Checkup, Says He May Be Forced To Resign Or Face 25th Amendment

Last October, about a month before the election, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that a commission was needed to study when the 25th

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Last October, about a month before the election, Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi suggested that a commission was needed to study when the 25th Amendment might need to be invoked if it seemed the president was unfit for office.

“A president’s fitness for office must be determined by science and facts,” Pelosi said at the time. “This legislation applies to future presidents, but we are reminded of the necessity of action by the heath of the current president.”   

GOP Rep. Ronny Jackson may be ready to take Pelosi up on the issue.

In a recent series of tweets and interviews, Jackson, of Texas, a former White House doctor for Presidents Barack Obama and Donald Trump, has argued that President Joe Biden must be given a cognitive exam, and the results made public.

And even then, Jackson suggested Biden may be faced with the 25th Amendment, as Pelosi indicated last fall.

Jackson, in a tweet on Saturday, featured a clip of Biden’s weird exchange with a reporter. He denied that the administration was defunding the police. When the reporter asked whether any Democrats support that, Biden answered, “Are there people in the Republican Party who think we’re sucking the blood out of kids?”  When the reporter oddly answered, “I’m not sure,” Biden simply walked away.

That tweet came two days after Jackson raised the issue of Biden’s cognitive abilities.

“Something’s SERIOUSLY wrong with Biden – and it’s only going to get WORSE!” Jackson said in the tweet. “It’s past the point of embarrassment. He’s lost. He’s confused. He can barely put a coherent sentence together. He MUST have a cognitive exam and release the results!”

That tweet was offered the day after Biden’s disastrous town hall meeting on CNN, in which he gave rambling answers and told blatant falsehoods.

For example, when host Don Lemon asked about how he would fight “ambivalence” about the vaccine, Biden answered, “You got the vaccination? Are you — are you OK? I mean, you seem — no, it works. 

“Or, you know — or the mom and dad or the neighbor or when you go to church or when you’re — now, I really mean it. There are trusted interlocutors. 

“Think of the people, if your kid wanted to find out whether or not there were — there’s a man on the moon or whatever, you know, something, or, you know, whether those aliens are here or not, you know, who are the people they talk to beyond the kids who love talking about it? 

“They go to people they respect. They say, what do you think? And so they should be asking other people, the people — everything from their teachers, to their ministers, to their priests, to people that they trust.”

In an appearance on Fox News, Jackson reiterated the need for Biden to take a cognitive test, as he did last month, then added it may not make a difference, as Biden would leave or face increasing calls for his removal.

“This is a national security issue at this point,” Jackson said. “I think he’s either going to resign — they’re going to convince him to resign from office at some point in the near future for medical issues — or they’re going to have to use the 25th Amendment to get rid of this man.”

“I’ve been saying that it’s only going to get worse,” said Jackson. “And guess what? We’re watching that happen right before our eyes right now.”

Jackson added, “Where are the people in our academic medicine that were out there calling for President Trump to have a cognitive test? Where are these people?” 

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