Sen. Ted Cruz Wants to Impose Term Limits in the U.S. House and Senate


Sen. Ted Cruz Wants to Impose Term Limits in the U.S. House and Senate

Term limits in the House and Senate, may not be a bad idea, and one Senator is pushing through with the idea, again. On Monday, Texas Senator Ted

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Term limits in the House and Senate, may not be a bad idea, and one Senator is pushing through with the idea, again.

On Monday, Texas Senator Ted Cruz tweeted out, “Today my colleagues and I reintroduced a constitutional amendment to impose #TermLimits on Members of Congress. The amendment would limit U.S. senators to two six-year terms and members of the U.S. House of Representatives to three two-year terms.”

The amendment reads in part;

“Section 1. No person who has served 3 terms as a Representative shall be eligible for election to the House of Representatives. For purposes of this section, the election of a person to fill a vacancy in the House of Representatives shall be included as 1 term in determining the number of terms that such person has served as a Representative if the person fills the vacancy for more than 1 year.

“Section 2. No person who has served 2 terms as a Senator shall be eligible for election or appointment to the Senate. For purposes of this section, the election or appointment of a person to fill a vacancy in the Senate shall be included as 1 term in determining the number of terms that such person has served as a Senator if the person fills the vacancy for more than 3 years.

“Section 3. No term beginning before the date of the ratification of this article shall be taken into account in determining eligibility for election or appointment under this article.”

This amendment is co-sponsored by 15 other lawmakers from around the U.S., all Republican.

Back in June of 2019, as he opened a hearing on Congressional term limits, Sen. Cruz said, “The rise of political careerism in modern Washington is a sharp departure from what the Founders intended in our federal governing bodies.”

“The American people recognize that congressional term limits would help fix the brokenness and corruption fostered by career politicians in Washington today.”

Cruz referenced several polls that showed support across party lines for capping the time members of Congress could serve.


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    Please Please bring term Limits 🙏

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    Leslie Kniskern 4 years ago

    I’d love to see term limits applied to the house, senate, and supreme court. I think knowing you’d have to “live” in the world you’ve helped shape would help some of our representatives, senators, and Justice’s really think about their decisions and how it affects people. When lifetime term limits where set we lived much shorter lives…